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Betty Baxter's Miracle

This book is the retelling of Betty Baxter's personal testimony in her own words about her miraculous healing by Jesus Christ. Betty Baxter suffered from severe spinal curvature and other ailments starting at a young age. At eleven years old, she was sent home from the hospital to die.  Doctors told her father there was nothing more they could do for her. She was not expected to live to adulthood. Betty lived in excruciating pain for years. She had two near-death experiences.


Throughout her ordeal, Betty's mother never gave up hope clinging to Mark 9:23: “All things are possible to him that believeth." Betty and her mother prayed together, believing that Jesus would heal her. In 1941, when Betty was fifteen, she had a vision of Jesus healing her. During one near-death experience she visited Heaven where she saw her deceased grandmother. Jesus showed her the Book of Life and where her name was written in it. Jesus told her that she would be healed in the fall, and that she would go on to preach the Gospel.


On August 24th, 1941, Jesus Christ came to the Baxter home. Betty was instantly and completely healed in the presence of her family and neighbors. She was able to stand up straight, her paralyzed arms were healed, and the knots on her spine disappeared. The local newspaper, The Fairmont Daily Sentinel, covered Betty's story on the front page: interviewing Betty, her family, and neighbors who witnessed the healing.


This book is a testament to the power of faith and the healing power of Jesus Christ in modern times.


Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever!  (Hebrews 13:8)


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Available on Amazon

Betty Baxter's Miracle: The Day Jesus Healed a Crippled Girl.  Betty's complete testimony, in her own words(edicion en Español)

Audio Recordings of Betty Baxter's Testimony

Betty Baxter's Testmony of Healing
00:00 / 44:12
Conversion at Age 9: God's Greatest Miracle
00:00 / 35:05
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