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Are Miracles Possible ?

Gastroparesis Healing:  November 2011

This young man was healed of lifelong gastroparesis after prayer at age 16.  His case was published in the peer reviewed journal, Complimentary Therapies in Medicine.   I have spoken with him and interviewed him in detail about his healing.  I consider this a genuine healing miracle in answer to prayer. 

Raising the Dead:  Dr. Chauncey Crandall

I heard Dr. Crandall speak and discuss the details of this case. Dr. Crandall is a board certified cardiologist in West Palm Beach, Florida. The facts portrayed in this video speak for themselves.  This is an irrefutable case of a man raised from the dead.

Ronald Coyne - The Plastic Eye Miracle

At age 8, Ronald Coyne lost his right eye from a puncture wound and subsequent infection.  After prayer at a revival meeting in 1951 Ronald Coyne could see again without an eye. 


I saw Ronald Coyne in 1978.  I was in the front row of the auditorium. He walked up and stood directly in front of me an arm's distance away. I could clearly see that his right eye had been completely removed.  Yet, he could see and read anything put in front of him without an eye.  It was such an incredible thing to witness that most would consider it a hoax.  Dr. Elizabeth Vaughn, a board certified ophthalmologist, describes her examination of Ronald Coyne and verifies that he could see without an eye.  I agree with Dr. Vaughn.  This a genuine miracle.

Gene Mullenax: Missing Lung and Ribs Restored. 

I had the privilege of meeting Gene Mullenax in 1978.  I was able to talk with him personally and ask questions about his healing.  Gene Mullenax experienced a genuine creative miracle including the restoration of ribs and a lung that had been surgically removed.


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